
Columbia Alumni Association of Rhode Island Mission Statement:

Connecting Columbia University alumni across Rhode Island to enrich our lives, communities and alma mater.


The mission of the Columbia Alumni Association (CAA) is
to allow the members of the University’s worldwide alumni
community to strengthen its bonds of fellowship; to sustain the
connection between them and the University; to act as a means
through which they can contribute their collective knowledge
and perspective to the life of the University; and to develop
from their ranks effective and responsive leadership.

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  • Lindsey Perry
    commented 2016-02-02 04:24:04 -0800
    From it’s creation in 2005 CAA has showed a huge progress and thousands of students worldwide has gathered with the help of CAA meetings.
    One of such meetings inspired me to start blogging – http://financeessay.page.tl/ – last one.